Medication Management

Pink dogwood flower

If you are in need of assistance with medication management, we are here to help. 

“My mission for mental health revolves around improving not only how people feel about themselves but how they actually see/view themselves, others, and experience the world.”

— Dr. Christina Whelan

blonde woman laugh in the sun

The Importance of Medication Management

The importance of medication management cannot be understated. Especially when it comes to psychiatric care, proper management of psychotropics is an integral part of a treatment’s success, particularly if you are also on narcotics.

At Resilient Psychotherapy, we provide medication management services for those in need. Please see our prices below:


  • New Patient Appointments: $350; 60 minutes.
  • Standard Outpatient Psychiatry Appointment: $250; 20-25 minutes.
  • Medical Evaluations: $150; 15 minutes if you are already stable on your current psychotropic medications.

Please Note:

  • Our prescribers are out-of-network.
  • If you are not on a narcotic, appointments can be spaced as far out as every 6 months.
  • If you are on a narcotic, you must be seen every 60 days.
  • Telemedicine is always an option. However, if you are on a narcotic, you must be seen in person at least once every 6 months.
patient looking at pills

A Note from Dr. Whelan: 

Hardly anyone is happy with their health insurance, including our family. Health care is broken in several ways, but the most obvious is the hidden costs. Most of us hate buying a new car because the price ultimately has more to do with when you buy it and how good of a negotiator you are. Health care is worse; you just pay the bill, but you often don’t know what it will be until after you’ve started receiving services. Laws are being written to stop this, but as you’re likely aware, it hasn’t changed things much.

When you see a doctor for a visit, they will likely use one of several codes to explain to your insurance company how much value they’ve given you regarding services. Almost every entity sets this price higher than any insurer is willing to pay because if you charge less for a service, they will only pay for what is billed. This perverse incentive means most organizations bill more than an insurance company will reimburse, but this often hurts the uninsured most of all because if you “pretend” to set a certain fee and don’t collect that fee from everyone, you’ve committed fraud per your insurance contracts.

We don’t want to fight with your insurance company to get paid. And if your insurance company ultimately refuses to pay, then finally get the bill, often a year or more later. By providing out-of-network services, you will pay for the services at the time of service. We charge fees that are in line with what most insurance companies agree are reasonable prices for those services. In this model, you can see how quickly or slowly your insurance pays (if your insurance allows out-of-network services, often a PPO will and an HMO will not). If the insurance company does not seem to be paying you in accordance with what you believe your policy states, you get to change. Hopefully, this occurs before a year has passed and you’ve already committed to another year with that plan and potentially have an outstanding bill because they disagree with the care you and your doctor have already completed.